Sunday, April 22, 2012

Wow, it's been that long since I wrote?

I was thinking about writing this post, so I went to the blog to see how long it's been and was SHOCKED to see that I had not posted anything since last summer. Who wants to follow a blogger who never blogs? Probably no one, which is why my followership is very small. Oh, well, it makes me feel good to write, so I blog when I feel like it and, if it so happens that an editor at Harper Collins reads my blog and signs me to a book deal, well all the better!

So many things have happened since last summer, that it would hardly be worth it to try to capsulize it all here. I will say that we had a dog die in the fall (very sad day) and have a new rescue dog now, so you just might be hearing about our Jozsef. I wouldn't want to start talking about a new dog and have all of you readers scratching your heads wondering about that, so I thought I'd explain that up front. We still have Dora the chihuahua, and our three wonderful cats, we just felt we wanted another dog, and so, rescue organizations here we came!

Jazzman had a hard time adjusting to the new dog, mostly because Jozsef had a hard time adjusting to Jazzman. This dog wasn't well socialized as a puppy, so he came with a weird set of behaviors, one of which was to cower and hide whenever Jazzman moved. After several months, they have made up, but there are still moments when Jozsef's brain has some stray electrical impulses, and he decides to run and hide all over again.

I on the other hand LOVE this dog! And, he REALLY love me! Jazzman says he'd attach himself to my hip, if I'd let him. (the dog, NOT Jazzman) He's a puppy really, just about 1.5 years old, and he's a Vizsla/Golden Retriever mix. He's housebroken, needs no crate, and he has the BEST ears of any dog we've ever had! (And that's saying something, 'cause good ears are something I look for in dogs.) Jazzman accuses me of spoiling him, but if you ask Jozsef, he'll tell you that's just not true!

In the year since I last blogged, I've become a Mimi again, to a third granddaughter named Bubbles, she's cute, growing fast, and of course I don't get to see her enough. Tater Tot and Elfin had her in February. This summer, granddaughter number four will be born, and that will result in a visit to Felicity and her brood to see the new little one. I'm looking forward to those travels, and to seeing both of the kids again. Somehow, I never thought of myself in the grandmother role, but it seems to fit me pretty well. It is nice to play with them, have all good times with them, and then send them home to their parents. I'd only like it if they were all closer, so we could do it a little more often.

It seems the blues are back in the house! Yes, they have been busy all weekend making a nest in the bluebird box, and I am hopeful they will stay, produce many little blues, and entertain us again all summer.

So, summer is on its way, school is winding down for another year, and it seems that I'll be back in sixth grade next year. Our team won't be the same, as we have one person retiring, but it will be great to have a little consistency in my work. And of course, this summer I've got lots of plans for gardening, yard work, sewing and baking....just can't wait to have the time to do it all.

Faithful readers (you know who you are) please hang in there. I may just get inspired and write more often. I may actually find some funny things to post, and return to my ever insightful, and entertaining self. If that happens, and at the same time I get that Harper Collins advance, I'll treat you to dinner, I promise!