I explained the activities, sent them to their tables and got them started, re-did directions when necessary, set the time, and off they went. Some were more independent activities, some were pretty easy, some were more difficult, and some required group cooperations. I decided that they probably still want to impress me, so they'd be extra good and work hard together. I was right, they did still want to impress me, but it started to be a competition..."I did this better than she did this, didn't I?" I told them that it wasn't a competition, but that they needed to work together to get one really great result. That seemed to sink in, and they started doing more cooperative type work. It took guidance, but I could really see them trying.
When you tell a first grader they are doing a really great job and you're proud of them, it's like Fireworks over Manhattan on the Fourth of July AND New Year's all at once. The face lights up, they want to let their friends know, and they often fist bump in celebration. It's pretty cool to see . They don't seem to be jealous of each other, more just happy to see each other happy.
I have one student who just can't work with a group. Let's just say he has "issues" that I'm working to address, but he's truly just a group of one. This means that he does another activity than everyone else, all by himself. If it's an engaging activity, and I spend some time talking with him, it goes really well. He's learning and happy and productive. It's a challenge, but I think we're making headway.
Today he was trying so hard to be good, because he really liked my elastic (cheap) beaded bracelets. He wanted to wear one, and that would require following the rules (for like 5 minutes)....which he really wanted to do. So, he followed the rules, and got to wear the bracelet. When he broke the rules, the bracelet came back to me. We exchanged them several times and there were even times when he had both of them at the same time. A girl said, "Why are you wearing Ms. Crab's bracelet?" His answer, "'Cause I earned 'em by bein' good."
I came home, went through my jewelry box and took all my elastic beaded bracelets, plus the livestrong and buckstrong bracelets and put them in my bag for tomorrow. If he wants to work for bling....I'm there!
Tomorrow's Friday....Fun, Friday....a little movie, some educational games, and maybe, if things work out, a game of bingo! Oh, my, first grade.....keep reading, and don't forget, if you have any extra unused bling, send it my way.
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