Anyway, back to the work station...looked down...saw something on the floor that looked an awful lot like a pile of snot, or perhaps we should call it a puddle of snot....sort of slimy, greenish in tint, and downright gross!
I look around, and see that no one is blowing his/her nose nearby, and I can't remember who the last sneezer was, so I say, "UH....boys and girls, did anyone sneeze back here just now?" J raises his hand and said, "Yeah, I did, and some of it feel on the floor." Me, "Did you think about wiping it up?" J..."NO, are you kidding that is just gwoss (he doesn't pronounce his r's)." Me, "But it's O.K. for me to wipe it up, even though it came out of your nose?" J.."Sure, youw'e a grwownup, it's not supposed to gwoss you out."
So, the issue here was that it was his snot, he was willing to admit that, and that he'd left it on the floor without telling anyone, because he was sure a grownup would clean it up. Being that I'm the only grownup in the room at this time, I would be the one to do least to his way of thinking.
By the time we got to this point the crowd was beginning to gather. I told them not to get too close and step in it, that would make it worse, and that it really wasn't all that interesting anyway. Here's the conversation that followed.."J, how did that much stuff come out of your nose and you didn't get it in a kleenex?" J..."The kleenex was alweady full." Everyone else..."Ewwww." J...."Well, I had a lot in thewe, it's not like I planned to blow snot on the floow." Everyone else..."Ewwwww."
Me, stepping in..."here, take one of these Oxy wipes and clean it up." J.."I didn't get it all, can I have another one." Tiny Girl.."Wait, don't throw that away, I didn't get to see it." J..."Here, it's kinda gwoss." TG..."Oh...coooooool, and it's green!" Me..."Here's the other wipe, J, just clean it up." TG.."J, can I do it?" J..."sure TG!" Me..."No, it's your snot, you're cleaning it up." TG, "I only wish I had that much snot..."
Floor cleaned....complaints of "Man..I didn't' get to see it," abound. J has a clean nose, I have a clean floor, and TG is working on snot manufacturing as I write! I will never be the same again!
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