Saturday, June 18, 2011

Lizards are interesting...seriously!

So, this year, after hosting "Oreo" the traveling class pet guinea pig, my students (remember, they were in first grade) wanted a class pet. When I was offered a "free" gecko, I jumped at the chance, I mean I hate lizards, I can't possibly think about touching them, they eat crickets live, and they look like something prehistoric. Sure...get a gecko...good idea!

Well, the gecko was free, but his habitat was not and after about $100 out of my pocket, I had the gecko housed, and ready for display in the classroom. The students loved him, named him Gordon and they loved to watch him eat live crickets, and sleep. These are really the only two things he did. Well, and get HUGE!

I guess I was following all the rules and feeding him right, because by spring break, when I had to bring him home, I thought he should have a check up at the Vet. Dr. M, my vet was thrilled to see him! I mean by this time I was able to hold him, wasn't creeped out by his lizard-ness, and really kinda felt fond of the little guy! Seriously, I LIKE him! Dr. M told me that "He's the healthiest gecko I've ever seen in my practice!" Yeah..I so rock gecko land!

Of course I had a ton of questions because when he came home, he got a new and improved (donated this time) habitat. Out of the 10 gallon tank into the 30 gallon tank, complete with things to climb, rocks to bask on, and a little tunnel so he can rest in the shade. He got a thermometer (digital of all things) so I can better monitor the temperature in his habitat, and he's a very "fixed up" little guy.

I had to do all this because Jazzman was so into the "Big G" or "Dorko" as he calls him, that he was doing all this research and telling me I was not a good gecko mother. After I took Gordon to the vet, Jazzman had to back off a little bit, because if the Vet thinks I'm a good mother, what's Jazzman gonna say? But he still keeps me apprised of the things he learns online, and he's got me convinced, next time I change his substrate (that's sand for you non lizard people) I should change it to a slate/with sand in the cracks, combination.

This lizard is nocturnal, so he sleeps all day and does his action things at night. Once the heat lamp is off, he's on a Roll! Seriously, he climbs, he jumps, he hunts, he poops..he does it all at night. And, as weird as this may be, it is very entertaining to watch. There's something about watching a lizard launch himself into the air, then plop down and do it all over again that is fascinating...seriously! So we got out the red light flashlight, and now, at night, we sit and watch Gordon do his thing! It may sound nerdy (O.K. it's totally nerdy) but if you were here, you'd be watching too. C' know you would!

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