Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Day of Firsts!

Today was a day of firsts. It was the first time little Peanut went to a "real forest," and swam in a "real river," and hiked on a "real hike," and had to use the bathroom in the "real woods." Seriously! How much more exciting can a day get?

Peanut and her Mom, Felicity, are here for a "V-cation," and Peanut is all about going on daily "V-Ventures," so we planned a number of fun things that didn't cost much money, but would be something new for Peanut. Peanut's mom isn't much of an outdoorsy person (she says the her purest form of exercise is working the TV remote), but she was a serious trooper, and did her best to sweat her way through all the activities. She doesn't like to be hot, and she hates to sweat, so getting her to do all this, on the hottest days of summer should have been a challenge...but instead she "sucked it up," and enjoyed the ride.

Now today was the trip to the state forest. Felicity lives in the flatlands with Peanut, so they don't have forests there. Peanut was so excited to be in the woods, that she could hardly stand it. She wasn't too thrilled about using the class B bathrooms, which are not much more than seriously gross out houses, but she managed to get through it, probably better than her Nerdy Mimi.

After we got that done, we headed to the river, where we swam and floated and played. I got to dunk Peanut a lot, and she got wet..lots! It was fun, we laughed and laughed, and even Felicity managed to let herself fall into the water and forget about the fish pee....

Lunch was a great time, Peanut made a few interesting sandwich combinations..Turkey wrapped around a pickle and a chip, a piece of watermelon, then a pickle, then a chip on a sandwich, and of course the cheese wrapped chip. All while wearing her bathing suit and water wings!

After lunch we went back to the river, but it ended badly when this Nerdy Mimi was towing Peanut along, and she scraped her knee. It wouldn't have been bad if it hadn't had "some really big blood," (which is code for a small scrape that might have a little blood) so we had to get out.

Once we were semi dry and packed up we headed out for our hike. Just let me tell you that a mile hike over uneven terrain was not a big deal for me, but I'm pretty sure Felicity would have opted out, if I'd have let her. I know I heard her say, "I'm sucking it up and heading on," at least a dozen times! Peanut was a trooper, right up until the time she had to go potty...! Yeah, luckily the trail was relatively empty and we had woods all around us. She had never done this before, so required assistance in the form of Nerdy Mimi. There were the instructions, the "don't get it on your feet," and "no, don't get it on my feet either!" There were lots of giggles from all of us, but we managed to get the job done and move on down the trail. It was an unforgettable moment for me...I'll make Peanut remembers it as well.

We made the hike, ran through the falls, and then returned, tired and smelly and dirty, ready for ice cream. Yep, that's right....ready for ice cream! The day was waning, the time to go home had come and the three dirty hikers were happy! I'm pretty sure Felicity will be glad to go home and take up her place on the couch, but she better be ready because next year we're taking the two mile hike and Peanut is leading the trip!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Jazzman has the Blues (birds that is)

Yes, for the first time in 8 summers, the bluebird house has a pair of blues in it, and they appear to be nesting! This is exciting stuff for the birdwatchers in our house (including the cats). About two weeks ago we noticed a pair of blues hangin' around the house, and soon it appeared they were nesting. Of course, as with every year, a raccoon disturbed the nest and we thought it was all over...

Jazzman was depressed, he loves the blues, and we feared we'd go another year without the joy of watching a family develop. But...not to be dissuaded, the blues came back, and started nesting again! Jazzman was on top of the world! Blues are back! Yippeee! (O.K. he would never say yippee, I just had to add that).

Then came the phone call, after school on my last day. "Nerdy Mimi, if the blues are nesting and we are to protect them from predators, I need you go pick up some things for me on your way home." Me, "Well, I'm at a country club having a glass of wine with my friends, if I leave at 6:00, will that be soon enough?" Jazzman, "You know, we have to fix this before dark, so there is no danger of the raccoon getting at the nest again, or I'm pretty sure we won't get another chance." Me, "O.K. I'm leaving now, I'll call you when I'm at the store to find out what you need."

And, off I went to purchase ducting, connectors, and sheet metal. Yeah, so we could wrap it around the post, spray it with lithium grease (won't dissolve in the rain or heat) and make sure no predator could get up that post.

Home with supplies, putting things together, getting the space aged looking post all ready for the blues to come home to roost. Jazzman was happy, I was happy, and the blues were happy! It's a win-win for sure.

Then, after a couple of weeks of relative ease, the raccoon decided to make an attempt at the blues' nest. In the morning, Jazzman noticed this, and sent me off to get more lithium grease spray. The raccoon left behind some telltale footprints, but luckily did not make it to the top. Jazzman got out the spray and liberally coated it again, and so far it seems to be working.

But really, that's just the beginning, because now that the blues are in, Jazzman is "on it." He has his binoculars at the ready, checks out the house repeatedly, worries about other birds being too close, and reads all sorts of things on the internet that we should do to make them more comfortable. Just yesterday he spotted a "predator" (a cat under the lilac bush) and I had to run out and chase him off, so the mamma blue would come back home. Seriously, this is intense business!

This intensity about things that are vulnerable, is one of the things I really love about Jazzman. He would never hurt a fly, if he could get it outside before he had to kill it because it was driving him crazy. He checks on those blues a million times a day, shares stories with me about his observations, and when he's at work, it's my job to do a couple of checks each day to let him know the status of the blues. If I don't then he worries that something happened to them.

Yesterday, we put out some meal worms (Gordon and blues have the same diet, go figure) and we didn't know if the birds were going to eat them. Jazzman suggested setting up a "worm cam" so we could watch and see what happened. And you know what, right away I got to thinking about how I could make that happen! Seriously, Jazzman and his blues have me entertained and enlightened..who could ask for anything more?

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Lizards are interesting...seriously!

So, this year, after hosting "Oreo" the traveling class pet guinea pig, my students (remember, they were in first grade) wanted a class pet. When I was offered a "free" gecko, I jumped at the chance, I mean I hate lizards, I can't possibly think about touching them, they eat crickets live, and they look like something prehistoric. Sure...get a gecko...good idea!

Well, the gecko was free, but his habitat was not and after about $100 out of my pocket, I had the gecko housed, and ready for display in the classroom. The students loved him, named him Gordon and they loved to watch him eat live crickets, and sleep. These are really the only two things he did. Well, and get HUGE!

I guess I was following all the rules and feeding him right, because by spring break, when I had to bring him home, I thought he should have a check up at the Vet. Dr. M, my vet was thrilled to see him! I mean by this time I was able to hold him, wasn't creeped out by his lizard-ness, and really kinda felt fond of the little guy! Seriously, I LIKE him! Dr. M told me that "He's the healthiest gecko I've ever seen in my practice!" Yeah..I so rock gecko land!

Of course I had a ton of questions because when he came home, he got a new and improved (donated this time) habitat. Out of the 10 gallon tank into the 30 gallon tank, complete with things to climb, rocks to bask on, and a little tunnel so he can rest in the shade. He got a thermometer (digital of all things) so I can better monitor the temperature in his habitat, and he's a very "fixed up" little guy.

I had to do all this because Jazzman was so into the "Big G" or "Dorko" as he calls him, that he was doing all this research and telling me I was not a good gecko mother. After I took Gordon to the vet, Jazzman had to back off a little bit, because if the Vet thinks I'm a good mother, what's Jazzman gonna say? But he still keeps me apprised of the things he learns online, and he's got me convinced, next time I change his substrate (that's sand for you non lizard people) I should change it to a slate/with sand in the cracks, combination.

This lizard is nocturnal, so he sleeps all day and does his action things at night. Once the heat lamp is off, he's on a Roll! Seriously, he climbs, he jumps, he hunts, he poops..he does it all at night. And, as weird as this may be, it is very entertaining to watch. There's something about watching a lizard launch himself into the air, then plop down and do it all over again that is fascinating...seriously! So we got out the red light flashlight, and now, at night, we sit and watch Gordon do his thing! It may sound nerdy (O.K. it's totally nerdy) but if you were here, you'd be watching too. C' know you would!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Summer Inspiration

Funny how, just two days after I was finished with the busiest, hardest, most stressful year of school, and I was back at it, working on building my little cottage business. I started by pairing down the product line for the canine bakery. It seems that biscotti for dogs doesn't sell well in this area, so it's no longer going to be on the shelves. On the other hand those popular shaped treats and the pretzels are back in full force!

While the baking was happening, I got inspired to make some things from the zillions of pairs of blue jeans I've collected over the years. I made some aprons, placemats, and a couple of cute purses. I decided to make some jean jewelry, which I'll work on this week. It was fun to create things, and feel productive. I've pretty much run out of jeans, so now I've got the call out to friends to give up their old jeans, upon which I'll make a donation to a charity. Otherwise there are always the work jeans at Goodwill, for $1.50 each.

Of course with all this creativity, the yard and garden have kinda gotten overlooked, so I promise, on the next day it's not raining, I'll get out and pull those weeds and mow that grass! Really...I will!

It is also hummingbird season here. The hummers came back to feed on May 17th, and now they've had their babies, so every day, outside the kitchen window it's like a jet fighter display of skilled maneuverability. Just so you know, those little hummers can EAT! I'm keeping track of the gallons of sugar water I cook up, just for my own I know how much it costs to keep hummingbirds in sugar water and I can better plan my budget next year!

I guess it's time to clean the house now....or maybe I'll just read a book.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Almost Summer

Well, it's almost summer! I made it through a year of first grade, relatively unscathed! With one teacher work day left (officially) and some moving to another new classroom to do, I imagine I'll be at work a couple more days than required. I plan to be ready to get started in my room in the fall, so I don't have to spend three weeks ramping up.

Of course I recently learned that, while moving to 6th grade is a good thing, I'll probably be teaching Science and Math. It's not that I can't do this. I know a few things about both of these and am still pretty adept at pre-Algebra, so it's likely that I'll be just fine, teaching the content. The truth, though, is that I LOVE Language Arts and History, so I was hoping those were the subjects I'd be teaching. The good news is I'll be team teaching with Davis, who I taught with at the Jr. High! I guess we all learn to take the bumps in the road in stride eventually!

The days of school were quite hectic! The kids were pretty much ready to be done after Field Day, which was the hottest day of the year! It was 90+ in the shade, and we got to spend the whole day outside. The kids had fun, but of course I was a rule breaker because I decided that I wasn't going to keep score and read off the winners after the day was over. The kids just played hard, did their best and we went with the motto, "If you had fun, you won!"

Some of the kids cried on the last day, some of them wanted to stay, and lots of them asked for my phone number. I decided to give it to them, and just see how many of them call me and ask me to come over to play this summer! If they have a pool, it's a good bet that I'll show up for some swimming. I even felt a little teary eyed! I will miss their enthusiasm, their hugs, and their boundless energy.

Now...with summer stretching ahead, it's time to think of all the projects I have to get done. Of course there is working on the problems in the math book, reading and creating units in the science book, and putting together materials to make those subject interesting to me and to the kids. At home there are fences to mend and apply waterproofing, a deck to waterproof, paint to touch up, cabinets to clean, and of course the yard and garden to take care of. I also want to get some sewing done, and set up a booth at Local Roots to sell my re-purposed aprons.

Then there are the travel plans. I trip to Iowa to see Taylor's crew, then on to Kansas to spend time with Whitney, helping her decorate her new abode. On the return it's back to Iowa for a couple of days, then home to meet Whitney's flight, so she and Faith can spend time in Ohio. The month of July is going to be pretty busy! I think I'm going to search out a little wading pool for the backyard for the granddaughters...too bad I've never built that in ground pool I was intending too!

I hope your summer is peaceful and fun, and all you want it to be. I will post some pix and stories here...maybe find my funny bone again, and make sure I have time to do all the things I love.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

I can

At school, we ask the children to tell us what they "can do" as a result of the learning that they've had in each subject. We write "I can" statements and illustrate them, so the students have a record of their learning. We encourage them to think in terms of what they can do, rather than what they can't....It's in that vein that I write the following post.

I can….what can I do? Well, in the context of what can I do as a teacher, I wanted to share a few things with you….

I can remember the names of 23 students every day, what their story is, who their parents and siblings are, what they are allergic to, and what their strengths and weaknesses are.

I can laugh when they say funny things, even if they don’t know they’re funny.

I can be stern when necessary, but not so stern as to be scary, just enough to make my point.

I can exercise patience when I need to, and move quickly when I have to.

I can share a story, read with enthusiasm, motivate, and educate.

I can play, I can make work feel like play, and I can teach kids to learn while they are playing.

I can design bulletin boards for any theme in the entire universe....seriously!

I can fix the smartboard, apply a bandage, log someone on to the computer, and type faster than their mothers!

I can feel real joy when they know a new word, and I can be proud when they do well on something that’s hard for them.

I can find things to fill their minds and thoughts so they are never bored.

I can eat in about 20 minutes, and still manage to have at least one adult conversation during that time.

I can avoid going to the bathroom until 12:55, when all my students are safely delivered to specials.

I can manage 23 students in four small groups, with just a timer and kind word.

I can pick up our class Gecko so the kids can pet his head.

I can read a book....and have the kids on the edge of their seats, waiting to hear the next word.

I can bear being called Mom, Mommy, Momma, and Grandma by my students and consider that a compliment.

I can color, I can write, I can draw, and make the kids believe it's really great stuff!

I can encourage parents, share their child's successes, and help them learn to accept failure sometimes.

I can talk to parents who don't want to listen, and help them see their children for who they really are.

I can remind others why we do this job, even when it's really hard.

I can find joy in small things, and take deep breaths when things are going wrong.

I can tie shoes, and help the kids learn to tie them too.

I can tell when someone's sick or just fakin' it.

With my smile, I can make a kid's day.

I can give and receive hugs.

I can do all this, because I am a teacher, and because teachers who!

Teachers, Unions, and Other Things on my Mind....

So, if you aren't buried under a rock, or lost in space, it's likely you've heard about the teacher's union assault in Wisconsin, followed by a similar incident in Ohio. It's kinda hard not to be concerned when you're a teacher. Now, I've never been much of a union person, simply because I believe in the idea that, if I do a good job, then the people who employ me will want to keep me around. I don't believe I've ever done a bad job at anything I've tried, so I've had a fairly secure employment history.

The problem with this thinking is the issue of who employs me now. You see my boss is a principal, and she tells me I'm doing a good job, so I'm O.K. there. Her boss is the Superintendent, who tells me I'm doing a good job, so I'm O.K. there. His boss is the School Board, who seems to make the weirdest decisions ever, right off the cuff, so this is where my concern lies. I mean, if they want to save the most money, who are the teachers they will cut? Bingo, the ones that cost the most! And, since I'm the consummate over-achiever, I went out and educated myself to the max, making myself an expensive commodity. Why, oh why couldn't I just, for once, be a complete slacker?

Sometimes I wonder just what it was I was thinking, going out and getting my Master's Degree, then adding on an additional certification and some more hours (30 in all, so far) that I could be a better teacher! I mean seriously, wouldn't it have been good enough to just make the status quo? It appears that's what the world wants right now, and here I am, over educated, over achieved, and over stressed....someday, when I figure out what the world really wants, I promise to let you all in on the secret.

Anyway, that seem to settle in my brain the most, because this issue has the possibility of removing me from a job I adore, keep me from doing the one things I believe I was made to do, and relegating me to a more person standing in the unemployment line! As I ponder this I often think...well, at least my car is paid for! See there is a little sunshine at the end of the tunnel after all.

This week at school was an interesting one. I had so many kids out sick, that I couldn't really move forward in the curriculum, so I spent a lot of time doing some review with the kids. It was a good week, went pretty fast, and the kids are demonstrating that they've remembered things I taught them earlier in the year, which is a serious boost for my ego.

On Thursday night, the phone rang in my room, and when I answered it was a parent of a little boy in my class. The mom said she's, "tired of little F bringing home all zeros on his papers, and we need to meet to figure this out." I explained that he's not reading the papers he gets zeros on, just filling in the answers, which is why he gets a zero. Mom, "Well, that's because little F can't read." I explained that he can, but he doesn't want to, and when he brings papers home and she reads them to him, of course he'll do better. Mom, "Whattaya mean he can read?" "When I go over his papers he just looks at them and waits for me to say the words." I explained that's because he knows she will do it for him....her response..."Well, you mean little F is pulling one over on me?" Now, I wanted to say yes, but I just waited...she kinda laughed and said, "Stop cryin' F, you're not in trouble yet." She said she's "gonna talk at him some" and find out what's goin' on, but could I please write on all his papers that he needs to fix them, so he won't argue with her about whether or not he's going to. the problem is the mother needs me to tell the child that he has to make corrections, and if I don't he won't do them? And yet somehow, teachers are to blame for all that's wrong with education...? Yeah, I'd agree with that, what about you Mr. Kasich?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

No Motivation

Yeah...I guess that's what you'd call it....a distinct lack of motivation! It seems that I suck all the creative and energetic juices out during the school day/week, and then on the weekends I want to stay in my pajamas, curl up with a book, and pretend the world is a kind place without wars and voilence, which supports public education and its teachers as if they were the most important people on the planet.

I know, I know, not happening! But, it's nice to dream once in awhile...

So, today was a snow day! Well more like an inch of ice to be chipped off every surface day, and I thought...Yeah! I'll get lots of baking done today, make some extra dog treats, get a little sweet thing going, and then run into town to the grand opening of the Bake Haus, which is a great new bakery owned by friends of mine. Here it is, nearly 3:00 and I've yet to do much of anything, other than read, bake a couple of batches of croutons, and make some lunch for Jazzman and me. NOT what you'd call a terribly productive day.

I did manage to read my email, make a couple of facebook posts, chat with Felicity about the fact that her brand new, just moved into yesterday, house has no heat and they are experiencing a HUGE blizzard. I think she's decided to send Boy Toy up the chimney to see if the fireplace is functional and take the chance on burning wood there to keep the house warm. She has a great new place (her own) and all her stuff is moved, and she has hot water, a working fridge and stove...what more could she want anyway...Heat?

I'm sure she'll handle this like a trooper...always taking care of things. She thinks she's so incapable, but she manages things and they always turn out O.K....I guess she gets that worry gene from her father, because if any of you know me, you know I don't have a worry in the world (roll eyes here).

In the meantime, Tator Tot has become in engaged to a nice woman who I will be calling Elfin. She has a cute little child too, and he seems happier than ever. Of course he announced his engagement on Facebook, and has yet to call me...but I'm not's fine!

So, here I sit, blogging about basically nothing, simply to say that I've filled my blog post for the month and hopefully will be re-energized to enlighten you with more amusing posts as the time goes forward.

I hope you're not reading this, rather you're out saving the world, making pies, or cleaning house, maybe even shoveling snow...because in truth, I should be doing all of that, but I'm not motivated.